My two eldest kids 13 %26amp;16 were in care for 4 %26amp; 1/2 years and i fought til I won them back. In the time that they were gone I met and had two babies with my now ex. My problems is that my teens have brought a lot of baggage back home with them and I am at my wits end. One of my toddlers 3 nearly 4 is a very full on child who nowadays screams all the time. I think my teens are terrorizing him with stories of the boogieman and hitting them both when my back is turned. Because I am a single mother with no family and cannot be in two places at once I am starting to feel a bit depressed due to this. Have just moved into my permanent housing commision house and want to for once have a normal life with my kids but i'm finding it to be almost impossible. Also my 16 year olds boyfreind has moved in and he's great, but it has made her a lot more bitchier towards my 13 year old boy. Please if you have any idea's that can help me please dont hesitate to let me know. Thanks. 2 are A%26gt;D%26gt;H%26gt;D.Please any good advice for run amok kids, two teens and two toddlers.?
Well for one why is the boyfriend living there???
They are 16, tell them to get jobs and help out take some responsbility!
As for the 3/4 year old teach them not to scream and make sure you talk to them.
Get your child support. =]
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