Thursday, July 29, 2010

I would like advice from other parents or teens...?

My daughter (aged 19) has recently approached me about my participation in a fantasy that she says she has long had. Long story short is that she wants to tie me up and tickle my feet (I am very ticklish and I know I would laugh like a nut). She has always been a great girl and I have always gone the extra mile for her but this seems like an odd request. Should I agree and let her have fun or should I say ';no';. I always encouraged her to be open and honest with me and I could tell she worked up some courage to come to me about this so I certainly don't want to seem uncaring or insensitive. I would just like some advice...I would like advice from other parents or teens...?
Seems like a strange fantasy for a 19yo young woman but to each their own I suppose. It's your daughter and you know her best so I would say go with your instincts.I would like advice from other parents or teens...?

3 minutes ago

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If that's a fantasy of your daughter....she may need some professional help. Seriously.

i couldnt agree more... did it ever occur to u that it isnt right for ones daughter to have fantasies that include incest?
That is strange but if you really trust her then let her do it.
it's not like ti's a sexual fantasy or anything. she has always been a good girl and i don't see any harm in it. try it. it might be fun. just be thankful it's not some insane request. it is odd, but it could be worse.
Everybody has weird fantasies but no one i know has ever had the courage to actually carry them out well this is her chance let her have her little fantasy cuz if i wouldda told you my fantasy....
I think I would pass on that .
who knows what is in her head...if you do this who knows what would happen...don't do it your daughter needs councelling seriously
oh my god thats sick she needs help ASAP. SAY NOOOOOOO and make her get therapy
Get a third party invovled. Like your husband or sister. If it's just pure, clean fun, why not? Third party so that things don't get out of hand. Cos being tied up and tickled can make you wet your pants!
sure... its a tad bit weird but i guess if thats wut pushes your button go for it
please make her keep this a fantasy. i think it's kind of twisted if you ask me that she wants to involve you in this. tell her no there is only so far you'll go for her and this is one place you don't want to visit
Binding and tickling someone is a form of torture. Sounds as if your daughter has an unusual and possibly harmful fetish. Why in the world she approached her parent for carrying out a fantasy is really bizarre. Before you give her an answer, you might want to surf up information on her fantasy.
Kind of a weird request from a daughter to a mom. It seems a bit kinky for my taste, but if you are comfortable with it, go for it!
your daughter is on some drug, legal or illegal OR you are making this up.either way, one of you needs counseling.
im a year older then your daughter and i dont think that is really right,i would never think about doing that to my parents. and you as a parent should know that.
If that's a fantasy of your daughter....she may need some professional help. Seriously.
Unfortunately I have all sons... soo, i am not sure I am what you would call qualified to answer, but I feel I must on this one.. This does sound like a very strange and if I may say so, weird request from a 19 yr. old daughter... The prob. is I or no one knows you , so any answer might be off key to your life style and or relationship... but here goes... If YOU are NOT comfortable with the idea say NO and give her the reasons, open honesty !!! If your kinda sorta ok with it then I would recommend ONLY loose silk tie up.. scarves or such.. NO ROPES or any other device that YOU could not easily get out of... I would be very careful tho about the setting of such a thing... it could very easily be misconstrued by others, heck , I am fuzzy on it myself... anyway, it comes down to a matter of TRUST between you and daughter........ God bless
I think you should let her do it i think if you do you and your daughter will have a great time and will bond even more.
eeewwww, that's kinda weird...and gross...but if u want 2, go ahead :(
Uhhhhh... I don't know,u might get into something sexual,but if u want 2.............
I agree, this is a very very strange request. I would probably not say anything to her about it. If she brings it up again just tell her what's the need in tying you up? I mean you're her mom, not her lover (hopefully) tying people up is sexual. Do you talk to her about sex? Maybe you should...let her know you're comfortable with talking to her about stuff like that.

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