Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Im only 17 and i want a baby ughh any teen moms i need advice on how hard it is to take care of a new born?

I want one but I know I can't coz I'm. Too young plz give me reasons not to have one rite now I need to realize how hard it is I have unprotected sex all the time with my boyfriend I never get pregnant so I'm not worried but when I see babys it makes me want one what's hardest thing about teen pregnancy?,Im only 17 and i want a baby ughh any teen moms i need advice on how hard it is to take care of a new born?
Just because you don't get pregnant doesn't mean don't have unprotected sex! *Facepalm* Were you not paying attention in Sex Ed?!

Here's a link for you:


=]Im only 17 and i want a baby ughh any teen moms i need advice on how hard it is to take care of a new born?
Start using protection now!!! Or you will find out how hard it is. I am 29, having my first at 19, but even at that age it was difficult.

Even now at 29 it's still difficult. My baby is 4 months old.

If you really want to see how hard it is, go volunteer at a daycare in the infant section for a couple of days or if you know someone who has a newborn ask if you can stay the night so you will get the idea of how difficult it is. If you can stay the night you need to get up every time the baby gets up and stay awake with the mom or dad the whole time they are awake. A couple days of interrupted sleep will show you just a glimpse of how hard it is.

Crying, dirty diapers, the expense of having a baby. It's not cheap.
Do you realize how different your life will be if you have a child? You will have to mature very quickly. You will be responsible for that child for 18 years. Why don't you just relax and enjoy being young, and not having to have such a huge responsibility? You have PLENTY of time to have a child later. You're practically still a child yourself!

There are many difficult things about it. For one thing, many people will judge you harshly. It can be very difficult, like being sick and having nausea a lot, having back pains, and all the other crazy things that could happen during pregnancy. You probably don't have a home of your own, and won't for a while, and I doubt you have money to care for a child.

My advice is to chill out, get a cat or something, and buy some condoms. Have a baby later, and enjoy being young and a little more carefree while you can.
I fell pregnant at 17 and had my son at 18 and while I dont regret having him It was very very hard for me when he was a newborn. Honestly, I was sooooo tired I used to fall asleep on the couch holding him (I am lucky I didnt drop him!) He was awake all night crying and in the day I could never sleep even when he was cos I had bottles to wash and sterilize and baby clothes to wash and hang out. My friends stopped inviting me out and soon I never even heard from them at all, they just forgot about me because I wasnt ';fun'; anymore. I am 22 now and alot more grown up, I am expecting my 2nd bub in March. But please, just wait a few years before u decide to have a baby because it really is a life changing thing. U cant come and go as u please and I gaurantee if u have one this young ur friends will forget all about u. Wait till ur older!!
Just think how much harder school would be... how when you turn 18 you get to be free and have fun with your friends and then when you get to turn the big 21 you wont have any freedom you will have to be the responsible parent and you wont be able to go out an have a blast with your friends on the weekends ...it happened to my cousin she loves that baby but she kinda wishes she would have done things difftrently
ok i was 16 when i had my daughter i dropped out of school! and i will never regret having her but your still young. and you sacrifice a lot having a baby at a Young age like Honey im only 19 im gong on #3 you have to relay know you can do it ! if you want to talk about it more im hear and i have im yahoo..
life will become so much more difficult for you! and I don't know if you have just walked around a wal mart store lately, but take a look at the prices on baby things. Just because you will have showers, those things will get grown out of, or will run out quick. Even the cheapest formula is like 22 dollars, and then you will need diapers and everything. life will not be fun. Please use protection!!!
1st off you don't need one because its obvious you dont do well in school because you cant spell worth a damn which equals working at McDonalds forever. Secondly, regardless of age you arent married. Get married when you are 18 to a man with money THEN have your baby.
Do babysitting. It's like the work experience equivalent of being a mother, and you get paid.
the fact is, Babies are not dolls. Some kids just want babies to dress them up and show them off as a target of helping them (the parents) get more attention from on lookers, which is sad to them, but having a kid while being a teenager is not good.

You should be stable, have a job, earn an income, be happy.

Think about it in many years time to come. Who will you're child look up too. Some kids at their school might ask your child, what does your mummy do?'; Your child might reply in confusion, because your mummy (meaning you) does nothing. ';My mummy smokes all day and swears and pushes me in the pram whenever I want.'; That isn't a very good role model, especially when some of the other mother are hard working and responsible for their children. Now this is to the parents with a good background, At least they can rely on themselves to take care of their babies.

They don't need their mums or dad's help (for money etc) and they don't need help from the government.

You need to just be teenager. Finish doing everything first and then have a baby, trust me... Your kids will thank you for it! =)

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