Tuesday, November 22, 2011

How do i get advice on teen relationship violence?

There is no place for violence anywhere in life--not sports, school, play, or in a relationship---love is not supposed to hurt. A violent, abusive person is acting out from a cause that probably goes back to childhood. The control and manipulation is a low self esteem, no self confidence issue. What triggers it is different on a case by case scenario. What you have to realize is that professional counseling is what is needed. No one can play mommy, no one can solve these issues--despite the attempts. The abusers always look for a susceptible partner--they charm them into a sense of security, often move them away from the comfort of familiar ground and family---then the trouble starts. Slowly the verbal and physical violence begins--and followed often by a big insincere apology. The same soup--just a different bowl. The fact is the victim CAN get away and must get away. The police must get involved----abusers need to be handled. So be alert, be careful, and good luckHow do i get advice on teen relationship violence?
Contact the Salvation Army and/or women's shelters in your area.

If you are experiencing teen relationship violence there is only one piece of information you need: END IT, NOW! If you need help doing that enlist the help of your parents, principal and/or the police.How do i get advice on teen relationship violence?
google it
Consult Counsellor..
oh man, you need to talk to someone fast, if its physical id look into cops, its it verbal go get soem counsaling, but physical violence when your under 18 makes me feel like the worlds full of crap. Talk to some one, a teacher, a friend, your guarian. Now, before it gets serious.
Violence is WRONG in any relationship. GET OUT NOW!!!!
Go to www.womenslaw.org where it eals with violence in teen relationship what the signs are,what it is,how it differs from adult relation violence and so on. Just know that Violence is any relationship is NEVER OK. No one has the Right to hit,be abusive anyone else. Fact is it is against the law and the one being violent can and should go to jail. It demeans the person being hit and that is the intention . Does not matter if the teen is only doing what he /she wittnessed from father/mother no one is a puppet/robot and can,everyone can choose to do or not to do. No one should put up with it,justify for there is none. No one is that important that in order to not do without them one puts up with it tolerates it. if you are a Victim seek Help-if you are the one being violent then also seek help. Go to the site. can also do a search under teen violence. Talk to your parents and if not them,then a School Counselor,Priest,Minister , Neighbor Anybody as long as its Somebody for it must stop.
if anyone makes you feel uncomfortable, verbally or physically..it is up to you to stay and fight back or leave. it takes 2 to fight. you are better off not fighting and not feeding into abusive behaviors.

it does not make you a coward to walk away. it just shows that you are stronger than that person and not willing to stoop down to uncivilized behavior.

if that person keeps abusing you physically or verbally even when you're trying to walk or run away, then call the cops.

again, do enter into that circle of violence by fighting back.
Call 911
violence is not good so better leave that violent person cause he/she don't desrve anybody.....
  • blush
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